Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson: Beverly Hills Babes

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 |

Stepping out side-by-side amidst relationship woe rumors, Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson were spotted wandering about Beverly Hills on Tuesday evening (December 2).

The “Mean Girls” starlet and her British DJ girlfriend popped into Dior before checking out the selections at Jenni Kayne on Rodeo Drive.

The outing comes just after LiLo defended her relationship via a blog post, writing, “Oy vey! Rumors. Just to clear this up, because I have been getting a lot of emails asking me this one question ... Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan (me) are NOT breaking up.”

Earlier this year, Miss Lohan told press that she’s reluctant to talk about her love life for fear that it causes bad luck. “I feel like it jinxes it. It’s hard. The second I start talking about whomever I’m seeing, a month or two later it’s failed.”
